Arrival and Dismissal


Arrival/Dismissal Procedures


Students may enter the building at 8:05am and will report directly to their classrooms. Children who walk to school may enter through either the main entrance (#1) or the rear door (gr. 2) (#9). Children who arrive by bus or van enter through the rear door (#9).  Only NPS busses and daycare vehicles are allowed to enter the driveway in the back of the building.  Children who arrive through the car line enter through the gym door (#14). All students arriving through the car line must exit their car on the passenger side. The car line begins at 8:05am. (Families who arrive before 8:05am should observe the No Idling signs and turn off the car engine while waiting.) Staff assist with arrival and will escort young children to their classes during the first few weeks of school, when needed.

All students arriving after 8:20 am must enter through the main entrance (#1) and sign in at the office prior to going to their classroom.



All families are expected to provide their child’s regular daily dismissal plan via the School Dismissal Manager Website or App.

If a child’s routine dismissal plan needs to be changed for a day(s), or if a child needs to be dismissed early, families should first record that change (create an exception to their child’s dismissal plan for the day) via School Dismissal Manager.  They should also notify their child’s teacher and the office in writing by sending a note or email to the teacher and office ([email protected])  before instruction begins at 8:20am. When including the office, only email broadmeadow_office rather than emailing individual office staff members.  Please include the date, the child’s name, and ‘early dismissal’ or ‘dismissal change’ in the subject line. This will allow us to quickly identify and sort through messages. Future planned absences, dismissal or late arrivals should follow this same procedure.

After instruction begins, please don’t email same day changes to teachers as many are unable to check for messages during the day.  All same day dismissal changes that arise before 1:30pm on full days and 11am on early release days should first be entered in School Dismissal Manager and also emailed to [email protected]SAME DAY CHANGES MADE AFTER 1:30PM on full days and 11am on early release days must be received by telephone (781-455-0448 x0) and must be the result of an unforseen emergency. The office will only accept dismissal changes made after 1:30pm/(11am on early release days) if they are due to unavoidable circumstances and will not facilitate the planning of playdates.


Kindergarten & Grade 1 Walkers: Kindergarten walkers (not escorted by a sibling) are released to a waiting adult through the K/1 breezeway playground door (#5). Grade 1 students (not escorted by a sibling) are released to a waiting adult through the K/1 breezeway front door (#2).

Grade 2 thru 5 Walkers: Gr. 2 thru 5 students (or kindergarten and grade 1 students who have been picked up by a sibling) may exit through either the main entrance (#1) or the gr. 2 rear door (#9). Walkers who exit through the gr. 2 rear door (#9) must stay completely clear of the circular driveway where busses and vans load students. Wall ball and play on the field next to the circle are prohibited during dismissal. Absolutely no cars are allowed in the rear circle at any time. Adults wait outside for their children to exit the building and monitor their children on the playground after dismissal.

Children Riding Busses or Vans: Children who travel by bus or van are checked in by staff and escorted to their respective vehicle. Parents of children riding busses or vans are expected to provide teachers and the office with a daily schedule of their child’s dismissal plan. Any changes to the daily schedule of a bus or van student must be relayed to the teacher and office well in advance of dismissal. Notification can be made with either a phone call (781-455-0448 x0) or email to [email protected]

Car Pick-Up: Car pick-up begins shortly before 2:45 at the gym door (#14) and lasts for about 10 minutes or until the last car exits. Cars wait along the side of the building and staff load children into the passenger side of cars only. (Cars arriving before 2:45 should observe the No Idling signs and turn off car engine.) Any adult who is unable to pick up at 2:45 should make alternate travel arrangements for their children that day. Children not picked up will be brought to the main office.

Please be considerate of the residents in our neighborhood. DO NOT BLOCK DRIVEWAYS or park in restricted areas. To minimize traffic and environmental concerns, please carpool whenever possible.




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