The Broadmeadow School Council is a group comprised of Broadmeadow parents, teachers and community members whose purpose is to assist the Broadmeadow Principal in the planning and review of the Broadmeadow School budget as well as the creation and implementation of the Broadmeadow School Improvement Plan. The Council holds public meetings several times through out the school year. Parents who are interested in participating should contact the Principal to express their interest.
2023-2024 Broadmeadow School Council Members:
Andy Garlick, Principal, Co-Chair
Chanit List, Assistant Principal
Anne Cline-Scott, Special Education Coordinator
Melissa Camhi, Classroom Teacher
Stephanie Hamel, Classroom Teacher
Elizabeth Prasse, Parent, Co-Chair
Shani Wilkes, Parent
Mia Khera, Parent
Dave Chiu, Parent
Steve Piela, Parent
Helen Hays (NHS ’27), Community Member
24-25 School Improvement Plan